For supporting the campaign §23 you can download an english version of the sample letter to the responsible authorities here.
Dear friends,
to all that do not accept the injustice in silence at all,
Human rights and humanitarian protection require a practical implementation. They must not remain propagandistic fighting words, as it is in the case of the Libyan refugees.
“What is morally wrong can not be politically correct.”
On 20th of June 2013 – the United Nations World Refugee Day – the approximately 300-member group of the Libyan war refugees “Lampedusa in Hamburg” proposed a solution to the Hamburg Senate and to the public.
They call the Hamburg Senate for their recognition as a specific group in the context of war and NATO intervention in Libya and the humanitarian emergency in Italy. A corresponding group recognition is ensured by the § 23 Residence Act, for each State in consultation with the Federal Ministry of the Interior. The previously put forward attitude of the political leaders that they had their hands tied, is a defensive statement by which the lives of those affected will be exposed to great danger.
For more than two months on the streets of Hamburg and protest lasting for over a month, the situation of people affected is still catastrophic. After the trauma of the war and the bombing of Libya, the deadly journey across the Mediterranean, the housing in lagers in Italy, the humanitarian disaster continues. For the protection of civilians, NATO intervened. One result is that those that presumably were potected are now living in the countries that promote the observance of human rights around the world, with no rights and no means.
In Hamburg, a broad wave of solidarity for the public appearance of the group “Lampedusa in Hamburg” arose and the protest is experiencing international attention.
The help of individuals, grassroots groups, religious and organizations of the civil society could establish a minimum supply for nutritional, medical emergency and night accommodation for part of the group. However, this is not a permanent condition and does not dismiss the country in its responsibility.
Supplying people who are deprived of their rights indefinitely with food, clothing and beds is not a goal to strive for. This is only an absolute last resort at the moment where the state withdraws its responsibility. People need rights, otherwise the negative consequences for those affected and for society as a whole can not be stopped.
We therefore call on all of you, to spread and support the demand of the “Lampedusa in Hamburg” group for recognition of their rights and the grant of residence permit for them.
No deportation – for the recognition and implementation of the rights!
In the appendix you will find a sample letter to the responsible authorities. Please inform us about your engagement.
With sincere regards,
for the support of the group “Lampedusa in Hamburg”