Call for Donations Winter 2015

spenden_winter14_15although the senate of hamburg continuously prevents and rejects any clarification process or method of resolution: the group „lampedusa in hamburg“  is still present in the city! their demands for work permit, the right of residence and the right to housing, remain valid!
Some of them are living in housing-projects, but most of the 300 persons belonging to the group, are homeless and still have no opportunity to make a living. for them the protest-tent at the steindamm remains the most important place for meetings, exchange of information and organizing.
To make it clear: to withstand the winter and the election campaign, the functioning of the tent is absolutely essential!
considering what each one of them went through since their enforced migration from libya – and considering what each one of them has achieved so far – the group lampedusa in hamburg still needs political, moral and practical support. they are here to stay!
lampedusa in hamburg urgently needs now:
for heating- and electricity-costs (per week: 65,-€ for gas, 30,-€ for petrol)
for permanently required medication and urgently needed public transportation tickets
for public relation work (prints and copies of information materials + lamination of the lamedusa-in-hamburg-exposition)
in-kind donations!
some sleeping bags
clothing: winter jackets and –shoes (size 42 plus), unworn warm ski-/winter-underwear, socks, gloves, caps and scarfs
foodstuffs: coffee, tea from teabags (blacktea, herbal or rooibos), long-life milk, juice, ginger-roots, fruit, rice, pasta, dried legume/lentils + beens (no tinned food!), bread, sugar, snacks (crisps, peanuts etc.)
support! get contacts and information (what is needed? what is planned?) at the protest-tent (steindamm / vis-à-vis the hauptbahnhof/central station)
donations directly at the tent are appreciated, money transfer under the heading „lampedusa“ to:
Donation Account (contribution receipt as required):
 KIEZ Wohnen e.V.
IBAN: DE91 2512 0510 0008 4572 00
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft (Hannover)
donation account of the unionists:
Frank Teichmüller
IBAN: DE67 5003 3300 2297 8286 00
Bank Santander
contact: (please get in touch if you have large in-kind donations!)
Posted in Allgemein.

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