A new phase in our struggle!
One year after the termination of the European Union program “emergencia Africa norte”, one year living on the streets, three years after the NATO war in Libya, three years since the trauma of the war and the loss of everything except the bare existence, ten months in Hamburg, fighting for the recognition of our rights, ten months living between the solidarity of the society and the ignorance of the government, and yet, our lives and that of our families are still turned upside down. With time progressing and still without any perspective to a legal status of residence, which would enable us to finally start living a „normal life“. Continue reading
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Friends of Lampedusa
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Stellungnahme zu aktuellen Themen bezüglich unserer Politik – Diskussion um Gewalt
Hamburg, 18.12.2013. We would gladly like to take the opportunity to talk about violence because, as war refugees from Libya we have been victims of enough violence.
The brutal Nato-Intervention took everything which was dear to us. We have lost our families and lost everything from our former lives. We experienced violence on the Mediterranean and many of us lie dead at the bottom of the sea. The inhumane violence of injustice continued in Italy where we lived under physically and psychologically devastating conditions. Living on the streets of Hamburg, being called criminals, being denied basic human rights, being hunted down by the police like animals – this is also violence. What we need now is to heal from the violent traumatic experiences we have suffered, we need the opportunity to rebuild our lives.
So we would like to ask everyone to see violence in a broader perspective which brings all of us closer to the truth.
We members of the group LiHH and our supporters believe the best way to achieve our goals are through peaceful protests.
We gratefully acknowledge our supporters; women, men, students and even young school children who have come together to join us in common actions of solidarity. If it was not for the help of our supporters we would have died on the streets of Hamburg, but today Lampedusa in Hamburg has matured into a peaceful protest movement which now numbers of thousands.
We would like to emphasize that despite the large groups of people gathered at our demonstrations, there has been an absentation to commit crimes or acts of violence. This shows discipline, self control and power of our peaceful protest movement. Violence on the streets has not been done by members of Lampedusa in Hamburg. Violence appeared in reaction to state violence. People are frustrated by policies and practices of the state. We share the same frustrations, but we have different views about the best ways to achieve our goals.
It has happened repeatedly that we were made responsible for actions taken in our name, and asked to control or stop them. We want to make one point clear: It is impossible for us to enforce discipline amongst the various protesters. And also we find it strange that we should have to solve problems which we have not caused – these groups are part of German society, they express their anger as they have done all the time, and long before Lampedusa in Hamburg even existed. We refuse to be made responsible for their actions.
In the context of violence we have to make one more point. Parts of the government and the police apparently have an interest to bring violence into our weekly demonstrations. For the last three weeks, more and more police forces have been surrounding our peaceful protest. The last demonstration saw the police even bringing dogs which were aggressively barking at the protesters. Riot police were marching partly in physical contact with the participants of our last demonstration. We had to stop the demonstration to clear this escalated situation. On our way back one protester provoked by the aggressively behaving police dogs climbed over the fence set up by the police. Even though there was no threat to the dozens of police men and women behind the fence, the person was attacked by a dog when one officer released the leash. Bystanders protested loudly and the police reacted with
pepperspray and baton.
For more than seven months we have been demonstrating determinedly and peacefully. The police itself knows this best. But the senate still refuses our legitimate demands which are backed by thousands of citizens of Hamburg. Now it seems to us that the Hamburg government wants to distract the public view from our disastrous situation and our just struggle and instead to project an image of us being violent. Although it is they themselves who exercise violence on us by denying us to restart our lives. The intention to escalate our protests is quite clearly to make people afraid to join, to criminalize participants and to distract from the political content of our demonstrations.
We are sure that on our next Advents-demonstration on Saturday (21.12.) the provocations against our march would have again been increased by the massive police troops which are going to flow into the city in reaction to the big mobilisation for the defence of the left political center “Rote Flora”. We will not let them play this game with our protest. This is why we called off the demonstration and instead decided to only conduct a rallye at 12 PM at the protest tent. All supporters welcome!
Kommentar zum Angebot des Senats
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Aktuelles zu den Adventsdemos
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Der Senat weigert sich weiterhin, unser Problem zu lösen – wir demonstrieren für unsere Rechte!
The last Wednesday-demonstration „Lampedusa in Hamburg – We are here to stay!“ will take place on the 27.11.2013. Instead, the group „Lampedusa in Hamburg“ calls for demonstrations through the city center on all four Advent-Saturdays!
30.11 | 07.12. | 14.12. | 21.12.
always at 12 PM at the Protest-Tent (Steindamm 2, Hamburg main station)
The recent news coverage of the group „Lampedusa in Hamburg“ has been dominated by the events at the St. Pauli church. We want to make clear that the church is only ONE of the sleeping places for members of the group and that the PR work by the church does not represent the opinion of the group.
It is correct, that some members of the group sleeping in the church have applied for a right to stay on humanitarian reasons – most were forced to do this unwillingly by the racist controls executed in October. But the clear majority of the group places absolutely no trust in the offer made by the senate of Hamburg. The „solution“ with the Duldung is unacceptable for us.
We can imagine, what the senate likes about the new position of us refugees: From subjects that self-confidently demand their vested rights we have been transformed into harmless applicants that blindly hope for the good will of the sovereign. Not another word on the fact that exactly this senate kicked us out onto the street in the cold April, that the senate ignored our suffering and the danger to our lives for months and then put even more pressure on us with the racist controls.
As a reminder: The senate’s offer consisted of:
being able to make individual applications for a residence permit on humanitarian grounds
being granted a „Duldung“ for the time of the procedure
being cared for by the state
in case the applications are rejected, to rely on not being deported until the objection has gone through all courts („guarantee for the procedure“)
We and our lawyers reply to this:
the senate emphasised several times that the most of the applications will be rejected sooner or later. Senator Neumann publicly declared this on his homepage recently
a „Duldung“ is not a perspective for our life, no guarantee for anything. We know that people with a „Duldung“ are forced to live in German Lagers for years and that the constant fear of being deported any moment slowly makes them go crazy. We finally want to arrive somewhere and have security for our lives!
We want to work and not rely on help from the state!
Even if we are allowed to stay until all legal procedures concerning our applications come to an end – what happens after that?
The offer made by the senate does not consider in any way that we are recognized as refugees of war in Europe already, who were forced to flee by a NATO-war in which Germany also participated. The inhuman living conditions we and many other refugees were confronted with in Italy are the consequence of the failure of the European system of protection for refugees. The situation in Italy is not considered by the senate. But especially against this backround, Hamburg can and must assume responsibility by using the given legal possibilities to grant a residence permit. The §23 is such a political possibility for the senate of Hamburg and we reconfirm our demand for a collective group-solution on the basis of this paragraph.
It is attemted to sweep the lasting inhuman situation of the group „Lampedusa in Hamburg“ under the carpet and the senate presents a trap as a solution for a humanitarian catastophy. Under such circumstances, the transition back to the daily routine has to be disturbed. This is why we call upon everyone to persistantly show the senate over and over again, that the only acceptable solution is the collective residence permit for our group!
Join our demonstrations and show your solidarity! Together we can fight for a change of the inhuman and life-threatening isolationist policies in Hamburg and Europe.
Richtigstellung zum Artikel vom 19.11.13 auf Spiegel-online
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15.11.13 Erklärung der Hamburger Rechtsanwältinnen und Rechtsanwälte zu der politischen Forderung der Gruppe Lampedusa in Hamburg
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17.11.13 Offener Brief an die Nordkirche und die christlichen Gemeinden
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06.11.: Stilles Gedenken, ungebrochener Widerstand
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