Erklärung nach brutalem Polizeieinsatz gegen unsere Gruppe

Police war against Lampedusa in Hamburg

On Thursday 5 June 2014 the group Lampedusa in Hamburg decided to make a peaceful demonstration with the aim of demanding our permission to stay and to work without relying on the German government. The group decided not to move and not to speak as a part of the demonstration. The reason for our silence is the fact that the Senate of Hamburg and the German government know our grievances.

The following is what we saw after the arrival of the police at our demonstration on Rathausmarkt:

  • The first police officers arrived at the scene and said they had come to protect us, the refugees from Lampedusa.

  • More police came and gave us three warnings to stop our demonstration and to disperse

  • After even more police arrived, they violently attacked us. Members of our demonstration were wounded and some were arrested and brought into custody.

  • Members of our group were beaten and brutalized by the police

We did not do anything to cause the police brutality and arrests. The government media produced negative reports against our group. To all this, the senator of has made our lives miserable here in Hamburg.

Lampedusa in Hamburg, 11.06.2014

Video of the action and police brutality:

Pictures: 1, 2

Posted in Allgemein.

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