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Pressemitteilung zur Großdemo am 02. November 2013
Below you find a press release by the group “Lampedusa in Hamburg” for todays demonstration. Thank you to all the countless people who showed their solidarity today! Lampedusa in Hamburg – Here to stay!
Hamburg, 02.11.2013. Today the group “Lampedusa in Hamburg” calls for a nationwide demonstration according to the motto “Solidarity with Lampedusa in Hamburg – We demand a right to stay according to § 23 Residence Act!”. Several thousand people are expected to join the demonstration, including refugee activists and participants from nearly all federal states of Germany.
The group “Lampedusa in Hamburg” demands:
That the senate acknowledges that the members of the group “Lampedusa in Hamburg”, all being recognized refugees of war from Libya, are not provided with appropriate protection in Italy, which is a consequence of the failure of the Dublin II-System. The senate has to assume responsibility and has to seriously examine the possibilities of granting a right of residence, i.e. according to § 23 Residence Act.
The consideration of the groups’s proposal to form a commission which could realize the development of a future procedure.
A comment by Asuquo Udo, one of the speakers of “Lampedusa in Hamburg”:
“In contrast to what had been published in the press lately, the group has not split up. Under the overpowering pressure and threats some may accept the offer made by the senate, but the group still remains strong and united. Ill advice that aims at splitting the group will not be accepted.
After long discussions we, the group “Lampedusa in Hamburg”, see that there are many hidden dangers in the offer made by the senate. We insist that we cannot submit ourselves to a process which gives us no legal assurance about a perspective to stay or a work permit and rejects our legitimate reasons for a right to stay. Much is said about the rule of law, but laws are always interpreted to our disadvantage. The § 23 Residence Act examplarily offers a solution to our existential suffering.
We remain prepared to approach the situation in a constructive manner and think that a further dialogue with the senate is necessary. This is why we propose the formation of a comission that could realize the concrete development of a future procedure.”
Kurzes Statement der Gruppe „Lampedusa in Hamburg“ zur Situation an der St. Pauli Kirche
Recently there has been a lot of wrong information about the members of the group “Lampedusa in Hamburg” accommodated in the St. Pauli Church. It is not true that everyone sleeping in the church has accepted the offer made by the senate. The group “Lampedusa in Hamburg” has information that not more than one third of the refugees in the church have signalled the willingness to accept a “Duldung”.
The group has definitely not split up. The group structures are still functioning, even though there is a lot of pressure on the group. Asuquo Udo, one of the speakers of “Lampedusa in Hamburg”, comments on this:
Two years after the war in Libya destroyed our lives we have still not reached the end of our flight. We are denied every possibility to lead are normal life again. In such a traumatic situation everyone has to take decisions about his own future. After long discussions we see that there are many hidden dangers in the offer made by the senate, which makes a further dialogue with the senate necessary. The struggle of the group “Lampedusa in Hamburg” continues, we stand together and demand our rights!
Antwort an den Hamburger Senat und Vorschlag zur Lösung im Sinne von Menschenwürde und Menschenrecht
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Bundesweite Demonstration – Wir brauchen Eure Unterstützung!
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Ein transnationaler Appell an den Hamburger Senat
Lampedusa in Hamburg – Right to Stay! Appeal to the Hamburger Senat (Government of Hamburg) to give the group ‘Lampedusa in Hamburg’ the right to stay by § 23 Residence Law or any other construction which allows a group solution.
“What Europe does not understand is that migrants’ movements do not depend on them. Only the conditions of those movements depend on them.” (Coordinamento Migranti)
To Mr. Olaf Scholz, Mayor of Hamburg and the government of Hamburg
Since the early spring of 2013 about 300 African refugees who had escaped the Libyan Civil War and its escalation through the military intervention of NATO-states and subsequently made their way via Lampedusa to Italy, have been living in Hamburg. These people (mostly men) were migrant workers in Libya where they earned their living and sent home money to their family or community. When the EU-program for refugees of the Libyan war ended, they were put onto the streets. They have all been accepted as refugees’, but their papers only allow them to work and to settle in Italy. Because of the economic crisis and the lack of support from the Italian authorities, they were unable to lead a self-determined life in Italy and came to Hamburg to rebuild their lives as others try too in diverse European countries. But here they are treated as though they have no rights. In Hamburg, first, they found sleeping places in hostels for the homeless, the so-called Winternotprogramm (winter emergency program) of the government. When these places closed down and they were stranded on the streets, they organized themselves as a group and started a campaign for their right to stay. Since then they have found the support of grassroots groups, the Protestant church, Muslim communities, the multi-trade union ver.di and the teachers’ union GEW and more and more citizens of Hamburg. Some of them are staying in mosques, others are living in private places or still on the streets, the biggest group of about 80 refugees found a shelter in the church of St. Pauls. They have found friends in this neighborhood: the local football club, FC St. Pauli, supports them, the famous Thalia Theater ensemble read a new text by the Nobel prize-winner Elfriede Jelinek on the refugee question together with members of the group in the church. Their struggle for the right to stay has become a struggle against the European refugee policy of exclusion. In Hamburg, it is already a major topic of the media and the day-to-day conversation of the people.
We do not accept that you, the mayor and government of Hamburg, claim these refugees to be Italy’s responsibility, and have ordered controls in the form of racial profiling in order to arrest and to deport them without proper consideration of the concrete situation of refugees there. Many German courts have already acknowledged that Italy like Greece is not a place where the human rights of refugees are respected today. You do not only refuse to speak directly to these war refugees and their lawyers to find a common solution for them, but have announced that they will be refused places in the next Winternotprogramm. This is not only inhumane, it is shameful in one of the richest cities of Europe. Now you have even begun to act directly against the efforts of the church and their supporters to organize a separate Winternotprogramm for them. This is not tolerable. It is like a declaration of war on civilians. Denying a group of people all rights and ways of surviving is racist. These actions cannot be explained or defended by the legal standards of European refugee politics. On the contrary, it shows how urgently these exclusionary politics and laws need to be abolished. On the 3rd of October, more than 300 people died after a boat carrying hundreds of migrants sank off the coast of the Italian island of Lampedusa. Politicians, including the European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström, called upon EU Member States to “show solidarity both with migrants and with countries that are experiencing increasing migratory flows.” And the Pope called what happened near Lampedusa ‘a shame’ and asked people to pray for the victims. But in reality, the EU border regime with visa regulations, Frontex, sophisticated technical systems like EUROSUR, which was adopted some days after the deadly “accident”, and the collaboration of coastguards on both sides of the Mediterranean, who even shoot at boat people, aim to prevent refugees and migrants reaching Europe legally and without risk to their lives. Even helping boat-people is criminalized. If migrants manage to arrive in Europe, regulations like Dublin II/III and Schengen, restrict the free movement of people who are not citizens of the EU. This year, more than 25.000 migrants have arrived by boat in Italy, three times more than in 2012, but countries in the middle of Europe, particularly Germany, still refuse to take in more refugees and try to send back all who came through
Italy despite the opposition of several courts. The Mayor of Lampedusa threatened to send the coffins with dead boat people to the governments of those countries which refuse to change these regulations.
All over Europe and beyond its borders, refugees and migrants are struggling against this inhumane policy:
- Refugees from the Libyan war in Choucha camp in the desert at the Tunisian border are demanding resettlement in safe countries, but after a lot of protests in Tunisia and Europe, only 201 people (out of about half a million of Libyan war refugees in Tunisia) were allowed to come legally to Germany. Other European states responsible for the war took in only three (Britain) and one (France). About 400 people are still in the camp, officially closed down at the end of June, others have been staging a sit-in in front of the UNHCR office for six months now. – In Morocco, hundreds of migrants stormed the fences of the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in September 2013 and about 300 succeeded in reaching “European” soil. – On Lampedusa, about 250 refugees who arrived in July refused to give their finger prints in order not to be sent back to Italy after proceeding to other countries. – Refugees in Vienna, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam and other cities have occupied churches and other buildings because they were put on the street and threatened with deportation. – And all over Germany, thousands of refugees are fighting against deportation and the obligation to live in camps and for freedom of movement and the right to stay. The more than 300 African refugees who call their group ‘Lampedusa in Hamburg’ have experienced deportation and active exclusion since they became victims of war and NATO-intervention in Libya. They need a group solution now. You have the means to provide this solution e.g. with §23 of the Residence Law. This is an opportunity to give a positive example to other European cities and, moreover, encourage a different European politics towards refugees, something which we all need. We, people who believe that human rights, including the right to free movement, need to be respected everywhere express our support for refugees who have faced the horrors of war and displacement.
In the face of the deaths of all these refugees in the Mediterranean Sea caused by European policies we appeal to the Mayor and government of Hamburg: Support the survivors. Stop your inhumane politics of exclusion and deportation! - Stop the controls and arrests and the use of racial profiling! - Accept the right to stay of the people of ‘Lampedusa in Hamburg’! - Support all efforts for a change in European politics in order to guarantee refugees a life of dignity!
Offener Brief der Gruppe „Lampedusa in Hamburg“ an den Senat der Stadt Hamburg und Erneuerung unseres Gesprächsangebots
Hamburg, 16.10.2013
Open letter by the group „Lampedusa in Hamburg“ to the senate of Hamburg and a renewal of our offer for talks
Dear Mr. Scholz, dear Mr. Neumann,
We, members of the group „Lampedusa in Hamburg“, do not hide our identity, but the European governments themselves are hiding from their responsibility and refuse to face the reality.
On 1 May 2013 we, the Libyan war refugees, appeared in the public in Hamburg and made the circumstances of our existence in Hamburg visible, explaining why we came here. The reasons why the entire European Union including Hamburg are responsible for the recognition and practical application of our Italian refugee status were also made clear.
We have asked for discussions with you, the Hamburg government, in order for you to find a political solution to our traumatic predicament of living without any rights. You have never sought discussions with us, but instead hide behind a law, which poses a threat of to our lives. You ignore the reality by claiming that the return to Italy is the only (legal) possibility, and thus you fail to acknowledge the dangerous situation refugees face in Italy. Continue reading
Es geht weiter! 6. Mittwochsdemo “Lampedusa in Hamburg – Wir bleiben hier!”
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Protest nach rassistischer Hetzjagd auf Mitglieder von “Lampedusa in Hamburg”
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Aufruf zur 5. Mittwochsdemonstration “Lampedusa in Hamburg – Wir bleiben hier!”
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