17.11.13 Offener Brief an die Nordkirche und die christlichen Gemeinden
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06.11.: Stilles Gedenken, ungebrochener Widerstand
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Mittwochsdemo und Schweigeminute
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Pressemitteilung zur Großdemo am 02. November 2013
Below you find a press release by the group “Lampedusa in Hamburg” for todays demonstration. Thank you to all the countless people who showed their solidarity today! Lampedusa in Hamburg – Here to stay!
Hamburg, 02.11.2013. Today the group “Lampedusa in Hamburg” calls for a nationwide demonstration according to the motto “Solidarity with Lampedusa in Hamburg – We demand a right to stay according to § 23 Residence Act!”. Several thousand people are expected to join the demonstration, including refugee activists and participants from nearly all federal states of Germany.
The group “Lampedusa in Hamburg” demands:
That the senate acknowledges that the members of the group “Lampedusa in Hamburg”, all being recognized refugees of war from Libya, are not provided with appropriate protection in Italy, which is a consequence of the failure of the Dublin II-System. The senate has to assume responsibility and has to seriously examine the possibilities of granting a right of residence, i.e. according to § 23 Residence Act.
The consideration of the groups’s proposal to form a commission which could realize the development of a future procedure.
A comment by Asuquo Udo, one of the speakers of “Lampedusa in Hamburg”:
“In contrast to what had been published in the press lately, the group has not split up. Under the overpowering pressure and threats some may accept the offer made by the senate, but the group still remains strong and united. Ill advice that aims at splitting the group will not be accepted.
After long discussions we, the group “Lampedusa in Hamburg”, see that there are many hidden dangers in the offer made by the senate. We insist that we cannot submit ourselves to a process which gives us no legal assurance about a perspective to stay or a work permit and rejects our legitimate reasons for a right to stay. Much is said about the rule of law, but laws are always interpreted to our disadvantage. The § 23 Residence Act examplarily offers a solution to our existential suffering.
We remain prepared to approach the situation in a constructive manner and think that a further dialogue with the senate is necessary. This is why we propose the formation of a comission that could realize the concrete development of a future procedure.”
Wir brauchen dringend Spenden! We are in urgent need of donations!
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Transactions can be made to following account using the keyword "Lampedusa":
KIEZ Wohnen e.V. - Kinderfreundlich Integrativ Engagiert Zusammen Wohnen e.V.
IBAN: DE91 2512 0510 0008 4572 00
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft (Hannover)
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